Institute of Analytical Psychology held a third weekly meeting

Release date:2018-09-20
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On the afternoon of September 19, 2018, Institute of Analytical Psychology held a weekly meeting at L208.



Ph.D. student Liang Jingyu gave a report entitled [Positive Psychology]. In the report, she shared the introduction of positive psychology, important theories and research objects of positive psychology. With her training experience in Tsinghua University in positive psychology, Liang mainly introduced positive subjective experience combined with positive attitude and traditional Chinese culture as well as positive personality advantages. At the same time, through video and photos, she vividly conveyed the core spirit of positive psychology and the application of positive psychology to other fields. Everyone is involved in the experience and discussion through a number of interactive psychological tests and experimental data sharing. Professors and students expressed their opinions and questions from different perspectives in combination with their own life experiences and conducted intense and in-depth discussions. Finally, ProfessorShen shared the history and current status of the development of positive psychology with the students and discussed with the students.

