Workshop of Dancing Therapy by Dr. Joan Chodorow

Release date:2018-09-19
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On the 11, 12, September of 2018, workshop of Dancing Therapy was held by Institute of Analytical Psychology in City University of Macau. American dancing therapist, Dr. Joan Chodorow guided the workshop. Heyong Shen, dean of the institute attended to the workshop with all the teachers and postgraduate students in City University of Macau. Dr. Chodorow shared the theories and showed the practical training to introduce dancing therapy. All the attendances were impressed.

The workshop was interesting and interactive. Dr. Chodorow started the workshop by warming-up. All the attendances made a circle hand in hand, and everyone introduced himself by acting and movement. The warming-up made everyone integrate in the group quickly.


Attendances experienced and practiced the dancing therapy training, under the leading of Dr.Chodorow. Every two persons made a small group to practice the 'mirroring', 'architecture and clay', 'mover and viewer' role play. Every one learnt a lot from the training. One of the attendances shared her feedback, 'this is not only the movement of body, but the dancing of the mind, heart and spirit. It evoked the inner power of ourselves, and made us feel balanced of the body and mind.’


Dr. Chodorow also showed a movie which tells the story of Trudi doing the dancing therapy in mental hospital in Germany. Trudi was the originator of dancing therapy, and also the teacher of Dr. Chodorow. The movie showed the effect of the dancing therapy, and we could see clearly the change of patients' mood and acting.

The workshop ended by an activity which was similar to the warming-up. All the attendances highly regarded the training and practice given by Dr. Chodorow. Everyone learnt the basic theories and skills of dancing therapy, and looking forward to see Dr. Chodorow again!
