Yang Bei
Education background
07/1994 to 12/2000 Doctor of educational psychology and counselling, University of Tennessee
09/1977 to 09/1979 Master of education psychology and counselling, University of Tennessee
09/1971 to 09/1975 Bachelor of social work, Fu Jen Catholic University
Current position:
02/2013 Associate professor, Department of social work, National Taiwan University
08/2012 Associate professor, Institute of social work, National Taiwan Normal University
03/2012 Associate professor, Department of social work, Shih Chien University
01/2012 Executive director of the San Yan Education Foundation
Working experience:
10/2009 to 02/2012 Associate professor, Preparatory office, Fa Gu Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences
02/2008 to 07/2009 Dean of social work department, National Taipei University
08/1984 to 06/1995 Part-time director of student counseling center, School of law and business, Chung Hsing University
08/1984 to 07/2009 Associate Professor of Department of Social work, National Taipei University,
08/1982 to 07/1984 Lecturer, Department of sociology, School of law and business, Chung Hsing University,
08/1979 to 07/1982 Lecturer, Department of social work, Tokai University
09/1975 to 06/1977 Social worker, Social Bureau of Taipei municipal government
Field of expertise
Family therapy, group work, action research, group dynamics, meditation and mental health
Teaching subjects
Social group work, group dynamics, advanced group work, group dynamics and action research, family therapy, mental health, meditation and mental health
Achievements in recent five years
Journal articles
1. 楊蓓(2012/05),默照禪修對心理健康影響之初探。
2. 臺北縣認輔制度團體輔導工作評估報告。
3. 臺北縣朝陽方案團體輔導工作評估報告。
Monographs and Papers
1. 楊蓓(2014),烽火家人:從原生家庭看自我成長。法鼓文化出版社。
2. 楊蓓(2012),叛逆中年。法鼓文化出版社。
3. 楊蓓(2012),交心:自利利他的助人法則。法鼓文化出版社。
4. 楊蓓(2010),自在溝通:人我互動,從心出發。法鼓文化出版社。
5. 楊蓓(2008),勇氣與自由。心靈工坊。
Conference Paper
1. 楊蓓(2015/11),默照禪修中促進轉化的慈悲與智慧。佛法與心理治療論壇,蘇州西園寺,蘇州。
2. 楊蓓(2015/10),在文化中尋找療癒的元素。第七屆國際心理分析與中國文化國際論壇,澳門城市大學,澳門。
3. 楊蓓(2015/03),一個佛教徒喪偶歷程的轉化與建構。中國湖北省武漢市湖北省心理衛生協會,武漢。
4. 楊蓓(2014/11),佛法對當代心理學的啟示─由顛倒夢想說起。中國河北省石家莊市河北省未成年人心理維護指導中心,石家莊。
5. 楊蓓(2014/06),漢傳禪法與心理治療關係之研究。第五屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會:聖嚴思想與當代漢傳佛教的傳承與實踐,聖嚴教育基金會,臺北。
6. 楊蓓(2014/05),A Study of the Relationship between Meditation Practice and Mental Health Mechanism: Silence Illumination Method in the Caodong Lineage as a Case in Point。第21屆世界心理治療年會,上海。
7. 楊蓓(2014/03),在親密關係中修行。湖北省心理衛生學術年會,武漢。
8. 楊蓓(2013/10),佛家之慈悲。臺灣國際榮格分析心理研討會暨論壇,臺北。
9. 楊蓓(2012/08),親密關係服務之多元處遇觀點。親密關係暴力多元處遇論壇。臺北基督教女青年會婚姻暴力保護服務組,臺北。
10. 楊蓓(2012/07),由修行角度看華人家庭動力。從文化觀點看家庭動力研討會,華人伴侶與家族治療協會,臺北。
11. 楊蓓(2012/06),禪與心理健康。海峽兩岸科技專家論壇心理健康分場論壇,中國廈門福建省政府,廈門。
12. 楊蓓(2012/06),禪修者的生死觀與諮商。第三屆基督宗教諮商輔導研討會:死亡焦慮的諮商輔導,輔仁大學,臺北。
13. 楊蓓(2012/06),默照禪修中促進轉化的心理機制探析。第四屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會:聖嚴法師與當代漢傳佛教的回顧與前瞻,聖嚴教育基金會,臺北。
14. 楊蓓(2012/05),宗教與慈善的歷史發展─以臺灣為例。第五屆中華慈善百人論壇,國立政治大學,臺北。
15. 楊蓓(2011/10),薩提爾模式哲學觀的本土化對談。薩提爾模式的臺灣經驗研討會,呂旭立紀念基金會,臺北。
16. 楊蓓(2011/03),社會工作核心課程規劃研究─社會團體工作,臺北。
17. 楊蓓(2010/03),由團體工作者的專業養成反思團體工作的教育歷程,CHANGE-變遷社會下的社會工作教育與實務研討會,臺北。
In 1989, Category A Research Award of National Science Council: Research on Work Stress, Social Support and Job Burnout in Different Areas.
Short-term Course:
1996 to 1997 Research abroad assisted by National Science Council: Research on abusers' parenting education.
Journal Reviewersof:
1. 臺灣社會工作學刊
2. 臺大社會工作學刊
3. 東吳社會工作學報
4. 社會政策與社會工作學刊
5. 應用心理研究
6. 玄奘學報
7. 彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學報
8. 高雄師範大學諮商輔導學報
9. 嘉義大學家庭教育與諮商學刊
Extension service:
- 1998 to 2012 Supervision, training and consultation for Child Welfare Alliance
- 2001to2012 Supervision and consultation for social worker of psychiatry department of Tzu Chi General Hospital
3. 2002 to 2004 Training and consultation in group guidance in elementary school for Taipei County Education Bureau
4. 2003 to 2006 Consultation for family violence and sexual abuse prevention Center of Taipei
5. 2004 to 2010 Supervision, training and consultation for Taipei social welfare service center
6. Supervision of mental health for Dun An social welfare foundation
7. 2006 to 2012 Consultant of North District Office of Li Xin social welfare foundation
8. 2006 to 2012 Consultation and supervision for the special plan of Lixin foundation
9. 2007 to now Director of the San Yan Education Foundation
10. 2008 to 2010 Members of the Taipei County Government Advisory Committee on sexual assault and domestic violence prevention
11. 2009 to 2012 Director of Chinese couples and Family Therapy Association
12. 2011 to now Director of Taipei young female Board of directors
13. Member of Radio and television Advertising Advisory Committee of national communication and Communication Commission
14. member of the review committee of Satellite Radio and television of national communication and Communication Commission