Xiao-Bin ZHU, Doctor

Release date:2018-08-19
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Xiao-Bin ZHU, Doctor, Professor

Contact Detail

Email: Zxbphd@126.com


Teaching Areas

Psychology Foundation, Educational Psychology, Sandplay Therapy, Psychology of Young Children


Research Area/Research Interests

Educational Psychology, Analytic Psychology


Work Experience

Director of the Department of Psychology, College of Education, Hangzhou Normal University (11 years)

Currently the Head of the preschool education department, the Director of the Institute of Development and Educational Psychology of Hangzhou Normal University, the Deputy Director of he Zhejiang Psychological Crisis Intervention Research Center

The “151” talent in Zhejiang Province 

Hangzhou New Century “131” talents

Secretary-General of Zhejiang Social Psychology Association

Executive director of Hangzhou Mental Health Association


Professional Society Membership

Professional Certification/Qualification

Psychology lecturer



1.   Zhu Xiao-Bin, The Development of Teachers and Students’ Emotional Behaviors, Educational Science Press, 2014, 1/1.

2.   Zhu Xiao-Bin, Wang Jing-Li, Li Xiao-Fang, The Role of Visuospatial Working Memory and Non-verbal Fluid Intelligence in Solving Math Problems in Primary School Students, Psychological Science, 2011, (4): 1/3.

3.   Research on the Relationship between Pupils’ Writing Attitude and Writing Achievements, Psychological Science, 2009, (4): 1/2.

4.   Zhu Xiao-Bin, Wang Jing-Li (Corresponding Author), Structural Model of Middle School Students’ Self-efficacy, Learning Stress and Learning Burnout, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2009, (5).

5.   Research Status of Working Memory of Autistic Children, China Special Education, 2009, (8): 1/3.

6.   Zhu Xiao-Bin, Zhang Li-Zhen, Preparation of Primary School Classroom Emotional Questionnaire, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2010, (5).

7.   Zhu Xiao-Bin, Zhang Li-Zhen, Wu Liang-Liang, The Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Academic Socialization and Academic Self-efficacy in Junior High School, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2011, (2).

8.   Zhu Xiao-Bin, Zhu Jin-Jing, Zhang Lizhen, Relationship Among Academic Procrastination, Learning Adaptation and Academic Achievements in Junior Students, Chinese School Health, 2011, (10).

9.   Zhu Xiao-Bin, Xu Ling, The Researches and Application of Emotional Scaffolding in American Teaching Practice, Studies in Foreign Education, 2012, (11): 1/2.

10.  Zhu Xiao-Bin, Xing Sai-Chun, Research on the Relationship between Pupils’ Academic Emotions and Writing Achievements, Journal of Ningbo University (Educational Science Edition), 2011, (3).

11.  Zhu Xiao-Bin, Wang Jing-Li, Affective Stent: A Study of Teacher KPresentledge at the Intersection of Student Emotions and Subject Contents, Open Education Research, 2009, (5).

12.  Socialization of Children’s Gender Roles from Three Kinds of Primary School Chinese Textbooks in China: A Comparison with a Reading Textbook in the United States, Educational Research (Authoritative Journal), 1994, (10), CN11-1281/G4 , 12,000 words.

13.  Cultural Forms and Vocational Education: A Cultural Analysis of the German “Dual System”  Vocational Education Model, Comparative Education Research (Core Journal ), December 1996, (6), CN11-2878/G4, 11,000 words , Sole Author.

14.  New Progress in Western Writing Teaching Research, Psychological Science, 2001, (4), 5,000 words, Sole Author.

15.  Relationship between Working Memory and Primary School Text Generation and Writing Activities, Psychological Science, 2004, (3), 6,000 words, First Author.

16.  Models and Policies for Crisis Management in American Schools, Comparative Education Research, December 2004, (12), 8,000 words.

17.  The Influence of Free Target Effect and Sample Effect on Students’ Writing Achievements, Psychological Science, October 2005, (5), 8,000 words, First Author.

18.  Cognitive Development and Educational Strategies of Supernormal Children, China Special Education, 2007, (2), Sole Author.

19.  Psychology of Writing Education, Zhejiang University Press, July 2007, 320,000 words, Sole Author.

20.  The Influence of Distributive Attention and Suppression on Visual Working Memory, Psychological Science, 2008, (1).

21.  Research on the Relationship between Pupils’ Writing Attitude and Writing Achievements, Psychological Science, 2009, (4), 1/2.

22.  Research Status of Working Memory of Autistic Children, China Special Education, 2009, (8), 1/3.

