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2019年9月至今            精神病與精神衛生學碩士研究生導師


2018年5月至今            副主任、心理學專業碩士研究生導師


2015年7月至今            兼職助理教授(Adjunct Assistant Professor)




2018年12月至今           中國地質大學心理學碩士研究生“精神心理臨床研究方法”理論課






2021年6月              DSM-V軸I障礙臨床定式訪談

2019年5月              精神科副主任醫師資格

2014年7月              精神科主治醫師資格

2012年4月              簡明國際神經精神訪談檢查5.0

2011年12月             臨床執業醫師資格

2010年12月             公共衛生執業醫師資格

2009年9月              簡明國際神經精神訪談檢查兒童版5.0

2009年6月              DSM-IV軸I障礙臨床定式訪談

2006年9月              世界衛生組織複合性國際診斷交談檢查3.0



2020年11月至今         SCI期刊:Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology編委

2020年7月至今          SCI期刊:Frontiers in Psychiatry (Aging Psychiatry)副編輯

2019年12月至今          湖北省預防醫學會健康風險評估專委會常委

2019年4月至今           環太平洋精神科醫師學會(PRCP)會士(Fellow)

2018年11月至今          SCI期刊:PeerJ學術編輯

2018年8月至今           中國民族衛生協會心理健康分會  理事

2018年3月至今           武漢醫院協會科研與教學管理專業委員會  委員

2017年12月至今          湖北省醫學會精神病學分會  委員

2017年12月至今          湖北省預防醫學會精神衛生專業委員會  委員

2017年10月至今          湖北省睡眠研究會  理事

2017年9月至今           中國老年醫學學會精神醫學與心理健康分會  青年委員

2017年7月至今           武漢市醫學會精神醫學專業委員會  委員

2017年1月至今           武漢市預防醫學會流行病學專業委員會  委員

2016年10月至今          湖北省性學會性心理與性教育專業委員會  委員

2012年5月至今           SCI期刊:Gland Surgery統計學編輯

2009年7月至今           SCI期刊:Journal of Thoracic Diseases統計學編輯



2019年11月              武漢市礄口區“礄口拔尖人才”

2017年12月            “武漢市人民政府博士資助”人選

2015年7月               武漢市中青年醫學骨幹人才人選

2012年12月              湖北省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎

2012年3月               武漢市自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎



2019年1月至今             “康復期精神分裂症患者情緒認知缺陷的縱向研究”(湖北省衛生和健康委員會科研項目,編號:WJ2019F012)


2018年1月至今             “精神分裂症早期個體化診療生物學標記體系研究” (2018YFC1314300) 子課題三“精神分裂症分子遺傳標記物體系研究” (2018YFC1314303)(國家重點研發計畫“重大慢性非傳染性疾病防控研究”重點專項


2018年1月至今            “以社區為基礎的老年癡呆合作式階梯管理模式研究”(國家自然科學基金面上專案,編號:71774060)


2016年4月至今           “迷你認知測驗在武漢市基層醫療老年就診患者中篩查癡呆的信效度” (武漢市衛生和計劃生育委員會課題,編號:WG16A02)


2015年3月至今             “五種簡短癡呆篩查工具在中國基層醫療應用的信度、效度和診斷價值:一項比較性研究”(2015 Milstein Medical Asian American Partnership Foundation Translational Research Project Award of the Irma and Paul Milstein Program for Senior Health, Total amount: US$60,000)




  1. Zhong BL (2018). Factors associated with health-related quality of life in Chinese older adults in primary care. Santiago, Chile: the 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine.
  2. 鐘寶亮. (2018). 孤獨感與老年人認知功能下降的研究進展. 成都:第十四屆中國心理衛生協會老年心理衛生專業委員會.
  3. 鐘寶亮. (2017). 精神科醫生如何才能更多更好地發表論文?.武漢:湖北省預防醫學會精神衛生專業委員會暨武漢醫學會精神醫學專業委員會學術年會
  4. 鐘寶亮. (2017). 30年中國自殺率變動的時間趨勢. 南京:第四屆海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會精神衛生和精神病學專業委員會年會暨全國焦慮障礙學術會議
  5. 鐘寶亮. (2009). 中國精神疾病流行病學調查研究的系統評價. 長沙:中華醫學會精神病學分會第八次全國學術會議
  6. 鐘寶亮. (2008). 韓氏穴位神經刺激儀治療抑鬱障礙的隨機對照研究. 重慶:中華醫學會精神病學分會第七次全國學術會議



1.  Zhong, BL, Chiu, HFK, and Tsoh J. (2021). Suicide and attempted suicide in older people. (pp. 623-635). In: Dening T. Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry 3rd edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press

2.  Zhong, BL and Chiu, HFK, (2021). Mental Health Morbidity Among Rural-to-Urban Migrant Workers in China. In: Moussaoui D, Bhugra D, and Ventriglio A. Mental Health and Illness in Migration. Singapore, Springer.

3. 胡志德,周支瑞,顧兵,曹志剛,鐘寶亮(副主編),等. (2021).瘋狂統計學(第二版). 長沙:中南大學出版社.




1.         Zhong BL, et al. Mental health problems, needs, and service use among people living within and outside Wuhan during the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Ann Transl Med. 2020, 8(21):1392.

2.         Zhong BL, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards COVID-19 among Chinese residents during the rapid rise period of the COVID-19 outbreak: a quick online cross-sectional survey. Int J Biol Sci. 2020, 16(10):1745-1752. 6.58

3.         Zhong BL, et al. Major depressive disorder in Chinese persons with speech disability: high rates of prevalence and perceived need for mental health care but extremely low rate of use of mental health services. J Affect Disord. 2020, 263:25-30.

4.         Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence and correlates of suicide attempt among Chinese individuals receiving methadone maintenance treatment for heroin dependence. Scientific Reports. 2019, 9(1):15859.

5.         Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence and recognition of depressive disorders among Chinese older adults receiving primary care: A multi-center cross-sectional study. J Affect Disord. 2019, 260:26-31.

6.         Zhong BL, et al. Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Chinese Primary Care Patients Prevalence and Sociodemographic and Clinical Correlates. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2019, 32(6):312-318.

7.         Zhong BL, et al. Frequent nightmares in Chinese patients undergoing methadone maintenance therapy. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2019, 15:2063-2072.

8.         Zhong BL, et al. Cigarette smoking is significantly linked to sexual dissatisfaction in Chinese heroin-dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment. Front Psychiatry. 2019, 10:306..

9.         Zhong BL, et al. Quality of life of older Chinese adults receiving primary care in Wuhan, China a multi-center study. PeerJ. 2019,7:e6860.

10.     Zhong BL, et al. Alcohol Drinking in Chinese Methadone-maintained Clients: A Self-medication for Depression and Anxiety? J Addict Med. 2019, 13(4):314-321..

11.     Zhong BL, et al. Can P300 aid in the differential diagnosis of unipolar disorder versus bipolar disorder depression? A meta-analysis of comparative studies. J Affect Disord. 2019; 245:219-227.

12.     Zhong BL, et al. Non-fatal suicidal behaviors of Chinese rural-to-urban migrant workers: attitude toward suicide matters. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2019, 49(5):1199-1208.

13.     Zhong BL, et al. Sexual life satisfaction of methadone-maintained Chinese patients: individuals with pain are dissatisfied with their sex lives. J Pain Res. 2018;11:1789-1794.

14.     Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence of Deliberate Self-harm Among Chinese Patients With Heroin Dependence: A Meta-Analysis. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:325.

15.     Zhong BL, et al. Non-suicidal self-injury in Chinese heroin-dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment: prevalence and associated factors. Drug Alcohol Depen. 2018, 189:161-165.

16.     Zhong BL, et al. Loneliness in Chinese older adults in primary care: prevalence and correlates. Psychogeriatrics. 2018, 18(5):334-342.

17.     Zhong BL, et al. Common mental health problems in rural-to-urban migrant workers in Shenzhen, China: prevalence and risk factors. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 2018, 27(3):256-265. 6.892

18.     Zhong BL, et al. Mental health of the old- and new-generation migrant workers in China: who are at greater risk for psychological distress? Oncotarget, 2017, 8(35):59791-59799.

19.     Zhong BL, et al. Suicidal ideation among Chinese cancer inpatients of general hospitals: prevalence and correlates. Oncotarget. 2017;8(15):25141-25150.

20.     Zhong BL, et al. Loneliness and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Findings From the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2017;72(1):120-128. 

21.     Zhong BL, et al. Acculturative Stress of Chinese Rural-To-Urban Migrant Workers: A Qualitative Study. PLoS One. 2016;11(6):e0157530.

22.     Zhong BL, et al. Rates and characteristics of elderly suicide in China, 2013-14. J Affect Disord. 2016;206:273-279.

23.     Zhong BL, et al. Elderly suicide trends in the context of transforming China, 1987-2014. Sci Rep. 2016;6:37724..

24.     Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence and correlates of loneliness among Chinese service industry migrant workers: A cross-sectional survey. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;95(24):e3903.

25.     Zhong BL, et al. Effects of Transient Versus Chronic Loneliness on Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Findings From the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2016;24(5):389-398.

26.     Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence and correlates of major depressive disorder among rural-to-urban migrant workers in Shenzhen, China. J Affect Disord, 2015, 183:1-9.

27.     Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence of antisocial personality disorder among Chinese individuals receiving treatment for heroin dependence: a meta-analysis. Shanghai Arch Psychiatry, 2014, 26(5):259-271.

28.     Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence of psychological symptoms in contemporary Chinese rural-to-urban migrant workers: an exploratory meta-analysis of observational studies using the SCL-90-R. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2013, 48(10):1569-1581.

29.     Zhong BL, et al. Depressive disorders among children in the transforming China: An epidemiological survey of prevalence, correlates, and service use. Depress Anxiety, 2013, 30(9): 881-892. 6.505

30.     Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence, correlates and recognition of depression among inpatients of general hospitals in Wuhan, China. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2010, 32(3):268-275.

31.     Zhong BL. How to Calculate Sample Size in Randomized Controlled Trial? Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2009, 1(1):51-54.


32.     Xiong LJ, Zhong BL, et al. Possible posttraumatic stress disorder in Chinese frontline healthcare workers who survived COVID-19 6 months after the COVID-19 outbreak: prevalence, correlates, and symptoms. Transl Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):374. 6.222

33.     Huang H, Dong M, Zhang L, Zhong BL, et al. Psychopathology and extrapyramidal side effects in smoking and non-smoking patients with schizophrenia: Systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2019;92:476-482.

34.     Wang YY, Wang S, Zheng W, Zhong BL, et al. Cognitive functions in smoking and non-smoking patients with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies. Psychiatry Res, 2019; 272:155-163.

35.     Cao XL, Li Y, Zhong BL, et al. Current cigarette smoking in Chinese female patients with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis. Psychiatry Res, 2016;235:203-205.

36.     Cao XL, Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in the general population of China: A meta-analysis. Int J Psychiatry Med, 2015;49(4):296-308.

37.     Dai J, Zhong BL, et al. Internal migration, mental health, and suicidal behaviors in young rural Chinese. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2015, 50(4):621-631.

38.     Yan ZY, Gu MJ, Zhong BL, et al. Prevalence, risk factors and recognition rates of depressive disorders among inpatients of tertiary general hospitals in Shanghai, China. J Psychosom Res, 2013, 75(1):65-71.

39.     Zhang HF, Zhong BL, et al. CD14 C-260T gene polymorphism and ischemic heart disease susceptibility: a HuGE review and meta-analysis. Genet Med, 2009, 11(6):403-408.

40.     Yu S, Zhong BL, et al. The quality of randomized controlled trials on DanShen in the treatment of ischemic vascular disease. J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(5):557-565.


41.     Xie Q, Liu XB, Xu YM, Zhong BL@. Understanding the psychiatric symptoms of COVID-19: a meta-analysis of studies assessing psychiatric symptoms in Chinese patients with and survivors of COVID-19 and SARS by using the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. Transl Psychiatry. 2021, 11(1):290.

42.     Luo W, Zhong BL@, et al. Prevalence of depressive symptoms among Chinese university students amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 2021, 30:e31.

43.     Bao L, Li WT, Zhong BL@. Feelings of loneliness and mental health needs and services utilization among Chinese residents during the COVID-19 epidemic. Global Health. 2021, 17(1):51.

44.     Zhang CL, Xu YM, Zhong BL@. The association between smoking and loneliness among Chinese university freshmen. Ann Transl Med. 2020, 8(10):649.

45.     Xie Q, Fan F, Fan XP, Wang XJ, Chen MJ, Zhong BL@, et al. COVID-19 patients managed in psychiatric inpatient settings due to first-episode mental disorders in Wuhan, China: clinical characteristics, treatments, outcomes, and our experiences. Transl Psychiatry. 2020, 10(1):337.

46.     Li WX, Zhong BL@, et al. Depressive symptoms among the visually disabled in Wuhan: an epidemiological survey. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 2013, 25(5): 306-314.

47.     Zhang CL, Xu YM, Zhong BL@. The association between smoking and loneliness among Chinese university freshmen. Ann Transl Med. 2020; doi: 10.21037/atm-20-3523.

48.     Jiang WJ, Zhong BL@, et al. Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form for inpatients with schizophrenia. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0208779.

49.     Xu YM, Li F, Liu XB, Zhong BL@. Depressive symptoms in Chinese male inpatients with schizophrenia: Prevalence and clinical correlates. Psychiatry Res. 2018;264:380-384.

50.     Gu W, Xu YM, Zhong BL@. Health-related quality of life in Chinese inpatients with lung cancer treated in large general hospitals: across-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2018;8(4):e019873.

51.     Zhang HS, Xu YM, Zhu JH, Zhong BL@. Poor sleep quality is significantly associated with low sexual satisfaction in Chinese methadone-maintained patients. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96(39):e8214.

52.     Liu LZ, Tan LX, Xu YM, Liu XB, Chen WC, Zhu JH, Lu J, Zhong BL@. Significantly more intense pain in methadone-maintained patients who are addicted to nicotine. Oncotarget. 2017;8(36):60576-60580.

53.     Yang YJ, Xu YM, Chen WC, Zhu JH, Lu J, Zhong BL@. Prevalence of pain and its socio-demographic and clinical correlates among heroin-dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):8840.

54.     Wang R , Zhong BL@, et al. Association between a-adducin gene polymorphism (Gly460Trp) and genetic predisposition to salt sensitivity: a meta-analysis. J Appl Genet, 2010, 51(1):87-94.

55.     Zhang WJ, Yang XB, Zhong BL@. Combination of acupuncture and fluoxetine for depression: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial. J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(8):837-844.


56.     孫思偉, 周天航, 党衛民, 程章, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情的心理干預措施探討. 中華醫學科研管理雜誌, 2020, 33(z1) : E017.

57.     周聰, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 武漢市海洛因依賴患者美沙酮維持治療劑量的影響因素. 現代預防醫學, 2018, 45(19) : 3613-3616.

58.     周聰, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療患者的自殺意念和孤獨感. 現代預防醫學, 2018, 45(4) : 666-669, 678.

59.     包黎, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴患者的孤獨感與疼痛的相互關係. 安徽醫科大學學報, 2017, 52(10) : 1513-1516.

60.     劉豔, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴病人的疼痛與生活品質的關係. 中國疼痛醫學雜誌, 2017, 23(1):44-48.

61.     朱軍紅, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴患者抑鬱焦慮情緒與外周血細胞相關性分析. 中華行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 2017, 26(3) :242-246.

62.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 華人精神分裂症吸煙患者首次發病前吸煙率的Meta分析. 四川精神衛生, 2017,30 (3):237-242.

63.     李彪, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴患者的吸煙行為與疼痛強度. 中國神經精神疾病雜誌, 2017, 43(7): 391-395.

64.     李文學, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 聽力殘疾者的性滿意度及相關因素分析. 中華男科學雜誌, 2016, 22(10):872-876.

65.     張惠實, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 聽力殘疾人的孤獨感及相關因素. 中華行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 2016, 25 (4):354-357.

66.     李文學, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 言語殘疾人的性滿意度及相關因素. 中國男科學雜誌, 2016, 30 (7):11-15.

67.     李文學, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 言語殘疾人的孤獨感及相關影響因素分析. 聽力學及言語疾病雜誌, 2016, 24(5): 435-438.

68.     黃先娥, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 武漢市社區言語殘疾人群的抑鬱症狀檢出率及影響因素. 中華行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 2015, 24(4): 367-370.

69.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴患者的睡眠特徵. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 23(6): 458-463.

70.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 海洛因依賴患者睡眠問題檢出率的Meta分析. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 23(5): 369-374.

71.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴患者的生命品質及影響因素. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 23(4): 299-304.

72.     陳傳萍, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 婦幼保健機構護士付出-回報失衡與離職傾向的關係. 護理實踐與研究, 2014, 11(3): 1-3.

73.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 華人精神分裂症患者吸煙對住院次數和住院時間影響的Meta分析. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 23(3): 179-185.

74.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 男性精神分裂症住院患者吸煙行為的檢出率及其社會人口學和臨床相關因素. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 23(2): 130-134.

75.     柳小波, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴者的30天功能及影響因素. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 23(1): 43-50.

76.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴患者反社會人格障礙的患病率和患病特徵的現況調查. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 23(1): 56-59.

77.     朱軍紅, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 聲言自殺兒童少年的家庭和臨床特徵及社交能力調查. 中華行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 2013, 22(12): 1114-1118.

78.     徐豔敏, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴患者睡眠品質與生命品質關係的典則相關分析. 中華腦科疾病與康復雜誌(電子版), 2013, 3(5): 12-16.

79.     呂淑豔, 鐘寶亮@, 等. 美沙酮維持治療門診患者抑鬱焦慮共存與情緒狀態、睡眠品質和功能缺損的關係. 中國藥物依賴性雜誌, 2014, 22(4): 286-191.

80.     朱軍紅, 鐘寶亮@. 美沙酮維持治療海洛因依賴者睡眠品質對生活品質的影響. 中華行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 2013, 22(7): 607-610.

81.     陳傳萍, 鐘寶亮@. 武漢市三甲醫院護士焦慮症狀檢出率及其與職業緊張關係調查. 齊魯護理雜誌, 2013, 19(10): 56-58.

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