Shen, H. (2022). The Dao of Anima Mundi: I Ching and Jungian Analysis, the Way and the Meaning. In Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology (pp. 182-202). Routledge.
Shen, H. (2022). Civilization within the heart: the image and meaning of ‘civilization’and ‘culture’in Chinese characters. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 67(1), 306-316.
Guo, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., & Shen, H. (2022). Sleep Quality Partially Mediate the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Function in Older Chinese: A Longitudinal Study Across 10 Years. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15, 785.
Wang, J., Feng, X., & Shen, H. (2022). A presleep consideration of an intrusive thought enhances the possibility of dreaming of it. Dreaming, 32(1), 23.
Wenzhi Zhang, Shen, H (2021). The Philosophy of the Yijing and Jungian Analytical Psychology: A Comparative Study. JAP;Journal of Analytical Psychology, 67
Li-Juan Xiong , Bao-Liang Zhong , Xiong-Jing Cao , Huang-Guo Xiong , Ming Huang , Jing Ding , Wen-Tian Li ,Jun Tong , He-Yong Shen , Jia-Hong Xia and Yu Hu.(2021).Possible posttraumatic stress disorder in Chinese frontline healthcare workers who survived COVID-19 6 months after the COVID-19 outbreak: prevalence, correlates, and symptoms.
Linda Carta, Heyong Shen, etc.(2021)Empathy and aesthetics in Titanic times. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 66, 2, 345-361.
Liu, Y. Y., Li, K., Bin, T., Tan, J. F., Wang, Z. D., Wang, J. X., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). Psychological symptoms and the use of shadow miniatures in sandplay therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 75, 101834. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2021.101834
Guo, H., & Shen, H. (2021). Media exposure to COVID-19 epidemic and threatening dream frequency: A moderated mediation model of anxiety and coping efficacy.Dreaming,31(1), 1.
Liang, J., Zhang, Y., & Shen, H. (2021). Review and Prospect of the Research on Occupational Health Psychology of Casino Employees.Journal of Gambling Studies, 1-15.
Wang, J., Zemmelman, S. E., Hong, D., Feng, X., & Shen, H. (2021). Does COVID-19 impact the frequency of threatening events in dreams? An exploration of pandemic dreaming in light of contemporary dream theories. Consciousness and Cognition, 87, 103051. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2020.103051
He, Y., Yin, F., He, Y., Shen, H., Ip, K., & Zhang, J. (2020). A comparative study of death metaphors in Han and Tibetan ethnic groups. Death Studies, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2020.1839819
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Yu, C., & Shen, H. (2020). Bizarreness of Lucid and Non-lucid Dream: Effects of Metacognition.Frontiers in Psychology,10, 2946.
Yin, F., He, Y., He, Y., Shen, H., & Ip, K. (2020). A comparative study of death anxiety and death attitudes in Han and Tibetan ethnic groups. Death Studies, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2020.1802791
Zhao, C., Wang, J., Feng, X., & Shen, H. (2020). Relationship Between Personality Types in MBTI and Dream Structure Variables. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01589
Shen Heyong. (2019). The image and the meaning of the Chinese character for ‘enlightenment’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 64(1), 32-42.
Wu, B., Shen, H., & Zhang, Y. (2019, April). Analysis on Influence Factors of Mental Health of Rural Impoverished Students in Non-governmental Undergraduate University Taking Non-governmental Colleges and Universities in the Northwest as an Example. In 3rd International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2019). Atlantis Press.
Cao Baohong, Gao Lan, Jia Ziying, and Wu Bo. (2019) The Garden of the Heart and Soul: the image, the way, and the meaning. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 64,I,43-52.
Guo, R., Shen, H., Zhang, Y., & Wu, B. (2018). Representations and symbols of Kuafu’s myth in Analytical Psychology and Chinese culture: History vs. contemporary, consciousness vs. unconscious, collective vs. individual. Culture & Psychology, 1354067X18804122.
Ai, Y., Shen, H., & Tao, Y. (2018, July). A Qualitative Analysis of the Psychological Factors of Relapsing Females. In 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2018). Atlantis Press.
Zhang, D., Li, Q., Shen, H., Song, H., Xu, K., Liu, F., ... & Liu, D. (2018). The dreams of monks: Studies on Chinese Buddhists’ dream content. Dreaming, 28(3), 235.
Zhou, N., Zhao, C., Yang, T., Du, S., Yu, M., & Shen, H. (2018). Attentional bias towards sleep-related stimuli in insomnia disorder: a behavioural and erp study. Journal of Sleep Research.
Gao Lan and Shen Heyong (2018). Images of Chinese Sandplay: The Garden of the Heart & Soul. Dyane N. Sherwood ed. Into the Heart of Sandplay. Analytical Psychology Press.
Heyong Shen(申荷永). Why Is The Red Book “Red”?- A Chinese Reader’s Reflections. Murray Stein. Ed. Jung’s Red Book For Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions. Chiron Publications. 2017.
Heyong Shen(申荷永)and Gao Lan. Mythodrama, the Meaning of Myth, Archetype and Healing in Chinese Context. The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy. 2017. 1/16:11-25-120.
Zhou Ningning, Heyong Shen(通訊作者)等. Attentional Bias towards Sleep-Related Stimuli in Insomnia Disorder: A Behavioural and ERP Study. Journal of Sleep Research. (SSCI) 2017. 11.
Heyong Shen(申荷永). The Missing Women of China. The Analyst In Polis. Ed by Stefano Carta. Volume II. 2017. ISBN-10: 8822897935; ISBN-13: 978-8822897930
Heyong Shen. Behind the Mask of China: The Continuing Trauma of the Cultural Revolution. The Analyst In Polis. Ed by Stefano Carta . Volume I. 2017. ISBN-10: 882289796X; ISBN-13: 978-8822897961
Heyong Shen, Gao Lan.(2017). Mythodrama, the Meaning of Myth, Archetype and Healing in Chinese Context. The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy.16(1),11-25-120. 2017
Yin F(尹芳),Shen H(申荷永), He Y(何喻): Development and validation of the Chinese Death Metaphors Scale-Revised. Death Stud (SSCI) 2017 Feb;41(2):87-92;
Heyong Shen. The Meaning of the Chinese Image of Water in Sandplay, Destruction, Creation, and Beyond. Plenary presentation at the 24 International Congress for Sandplay Therapy. ISST, Hawaii, USA. July, 2017
Heyong, Shen., Lan, Gao. (2017). Mythodrama, the Meaning of Myth, Archetype and Healing. The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy,1,114-157.
Heyong Shen. The Dao of Anima Mundi: I Ching and Jungian Analysis, the Way and the Meaning. Plenary presentation at the 20th IAAP International Conference,大會主場主題報告(被翻譯為八種語言),日本京都,2016年9月
江文, 张敏强, 刘江南, & 申荷永. (2022). 幼儿教师组织沉默归因研究---基于东莞市1700位幼儿教师的调查. 教育导刊(2), 8.
李洁, 赵雨菡, 高岚, 申荷永, & 董圣鸿. (2021). 依恋取向的亲子沙盘游戏治疗个案研究:以一例活跃退缩幼儿为例. 中国临床心理学杂志, 29(4), 8.
宣峰 & 申荷永.(2020).析夢牡丹亭——論杜麗娘的阿尼姆斯及其發展.文化創新比較研究(21),86-88..
周曼麗, & 申荷永. (2020). 精神分析在新時代的適應與文學融合.2020 年課堂教學教育改革專題研討會論文集.
王振東, 蔡寶鴻, 張倩, 劉媛媛, & 申荷永. (2020). 以身化夢: 意象體現的理論, 方法與技術探析.心理科學, (1), 247-253.
李潔, 程新穎, 施春陽, 高嵐, 申荷永, & 董聖鴻. (2020). 不同類型社會退縮幼兒的初始沙盤特徵分析.中國臨床心理學雜誌, (1), 44.
嚴元; 吳和鳴; 申荷永; 童俊(2019). 創傷個體自傳體記憶的特徵及其理論解釋的Meta分析. 神經損傷與功能重建.
范綺慧, 申荷永, & 童俊. (2018). 單純型創傷與複雜型創傷症狀對照研究現狀. 醫學與哲學(B), 39(09),66-70.
周彩虹, 申荷永, 張豔萃, & 徐凱. (2018). 沙盤遊戲治療:縱深化與本土化. 華南師範大學學報(社會科學版), No.234(04), 62-69+190.
李洁; 董圣鸿; 黄仁辉; 高岚; 申荷永 (2018). 一例智力落后儿童性行为问题的沙盘游戏分析研究. 中国临床心理学杂志. 2018.2
張淑芳,向東方,申荷永,王繼中,徐漢明,尹聰&劉連忠. (2018). 從精神分裂症患者到性工作者的內心歷程. 中國性科學(7), 154-157.
楊發輝,劉宇真,秦倩倩,朱為,劉衍玲,郭成,齊樂,申荷永&殷瀟瀟. (2018). 認知行為治療幹預替代性創傷個案報告——以一位汶川大地震救援者為例. 四川精神衛生, v.31 (02), 119-121.
張淑芳, 向東方, 申荷永, 尹聰, & 劉連忠. (2018). 中國特色精神科日間醫院的探索. 神經損傷與功能重建, v.13(08), 410-411.
申荷永:“核心心理學” (Psychology of the Heart),费恩讲座(2018).
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王敏佳, 劉建新, 羅慶華, 邱田, & 鄭安海. (2017). 沙盤遊戲聯合音樂療法對自閉症患兒康復幹預研究. 中國地方病防治雜誌(2), 232-233.
王敏佳, 申荷永, 劉建新, 羅慶華, 邱田, & 鄭安海等. (2017). 重慶地區晨練老年人心理健康狀況及其影響因素. 中國老年學雜誌, 37(17).
周志春, 李鑫蕾, 趙靜, & 劉建新. (2017). 北京市房山區100例孕產婦心理健康狀況及幹預效果研究. 中國臨床醫生雜誌, 45(9), 96-98.
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郭芮彤, & 周彩虹. (2017). 誇父意象的原型分析. 河南教育學院學報(哲學社會科學版), 36(4), 23-28.
王敏佳, & 申荷永. (2017). 沙盤遊戲療法對大學生抑鬱情緒的影響. 世界最新醫學資訊文摘(18), 55-55.
葉子青, 高嵐, & 葉一舵. (2017). 高校研究生scl-90心理健康測評分析及教育對策. 教育評論(9), 84-89.
舒曼. (2017). 新生代農民工閱讀傾向與成就動機、心理控制源關係研究. 中國出版(24), 29-33.
宋薇, 張淑芳, & 申荷永. (2017). 變遷中的澳門心理文化. 心理醫生, 23(20).
宋薇, 張淑芳, & 申荷永. (2017). "邊際人"心理下的澳門群體文化心理表像. 心理醫生, 23(22).
邢亞龍, & 劉建新. (2017). 論無意識在設計藝術中的作用. 美與時代(10), 10-11.
王敏佳, 申荷永, 劉建新, 羅慶華, 邱田, & 鄭安海等. (2017). 重慶地區晨練老年人心理健康狀況及其影響因素. 中國老年學雜誌, 37(17).
李瑋,王振東,蔡寶鴻,楊曉峰,&申荷永等. (2017). 儒家文化中的共情觀. 心理學探新, 37(06), 483-488.
Fang, Y., Fang, J., Zhou, N., Shen, H., & He, Y. (2016). Development and validation of the chinese death metaphors scale-revised. Death Studies, 41(2), 87.
熊無昧, & 申荷永. (2016). 動機衰竭與學業成績的關係:自我效能感的仲介效應——以開放教育英語專業學生為例. 現代遠距離教育(5), 24-30.
Fang, Y., Fang, J., Zhou, N., Shen, H., & He, Y. (2016). Development and validation of the chinese death metaphors scale-revised. Death Studies,41(2), 87.
Shen, H. (2016). Behind the Mask of China,the Continuing Trauma of the Cultural Revolution, Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology. LondonRoutledge, 179-184.
申荷永. (2016). 偏執狂,人類的噩夢. 現代企業文化(上旬)(1), 127-127.
Li, Q., Yin, F., & Shen, H. (2015). Death dreams from a manifest perspective: a cross-cultural comparison between tibetan and han chinese dreamers. Dreaming, 25(1).
範紅霞, 籍元婕, & 申荷永. (2015). 心理分析在中國現代發展的歷史起源. 晉陽學刊(5), 139-141.