喜訊! 祝賀研究生伊裡哈木在《Computers in Human behavior》上發表論文

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2023年月,我院學生伊裡哈木·阿裡木與華東師範大學教育學部黃巧綾副教授及其團隊合作的研究成果“What you think is a joke is actually cyberbullying: The effects of ethical dissonance, event judgment and humor style on cyberbullying behavior”發表在心理學類國際頂級期刊Computers in Human Behavior上,該期刊SSCI一區頂刊,影響因數8.957,在心理學屆享有很高的學術聲譽,伊裡哈木·阿裡木為該論文的第二作者,澳門城市大學心理分析研究院為其作者單位。(Volume 142, May 2023, 107670)。


Huang, C.L., Alimu, Y., Yang, S. C., & Kang, S. (2023). What you think is a joke is actually cyberbullying: The effects of ethical dissonance, event judgment and humor style on cyberbullying behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 142, 107670–. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2023.107670

